Key Shortcuts There are keyboard shortcuts for many HTML.edit commands. You can also click the Palette Help button on the Tool Palette for a display of all command key shortcuts. Navigation ⌘Ó or home Go to Index ⌘Ô or end Go to Preferences ⌘Ø Go To Document… ⌘ Go Back (to last place you were*) ⌘Shift-M Go To Selected Master Header ⌘Shift-F Go To Selected Master Footer General ⌘? or help HTML.edit Help ⌘A Select Text of Current Field Shift-Enter Select the Current Line ⌘F Find ⌘G Find Again ⌘Shift-T Show/Hide HTML Tool Palette ⌘Shift-D Reset Selected Text to Default Font ⌘E Show/Hide Scroll Window ⌘Option-I Show Info Window ⌘Option-L Show/Hide Clip Library Window ⌘M Show/Hide Message Box ⌘R Replace… ⌘Option-R Show/Hide Ruler ⌘N New Document ⌘O Import (Open) Text File ⌘S Export (Save) Document to Text File ⌘P Print Text (Header, Body & Footer) ⌘J Preview Using WWW Browser ⌘Z Undo Typing or Last Command  Delete Forward HTML ⌘1-6 Selected Heading Level ⌘H Current Heading Level ⌘7 Link to Previous Document** ⌘8 Link to Next Document** ⌘9 Link to Selected Document** ⌘- HTML Comment (Command-Minus) ⌘+ Uncomment (Command-Plus) ⌘" Insert Quote Entity (") ⌘I Insert Image Tags ⌘K Remove HTML Tags ⌘L HTML List Item
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